Thursday, December 5, 2013
The Originals Season 1 Mid Season Finale Klaus brings His Empire Again
As Klaus back to the New Orleans he always wants to bring back the empire that he build in her hands and to make his family be together again. In the mid season finale of the originals finally he just bring back the empire that he have made in the long time ago but somehow Marcel is the one that running the town and this is wants Klaus to take over off.
Finally the new leader of New Orleans takes it for the new Klaus the new leader of the New Orleans . King Klaus waged war on New Orleans’ entire werewolf population on the Dec. 3 episode of The Originals and as you can imagine, Hayley didn’t exactly raise her glass to that toast. She certainly wasn’t pleased that Klaus’ crew intended to wipe out her entire pack, so Elijah and Rebekah leapt into action to keep the wolves safe. What they weren’t expecting to discover, however, was the bloodline of Klaus’ “true father!” Honestly, sometimes I forget that Klaus is an actual bastard not just a behavioral one.
After yet another regime shift Klaus and Marcel wiped out The Faction, leaving only Kieran standing the King of New Orleans had a surprising change of heart. Not only did he offer Marcel the position of co-ruler, but he also extended an invitation for his estranged siblings to come home. At least we can head into 2014 knowing that the Mikaelsons are a little more functional; I was starting to think they’d never be whole again.
But Klaus wasn’t the only person who underwent a power shift this week. Davina discovered the truth about Agnes’ death, and that Marcel has been lying to her ever since. I can only imagine what that little witch has up her sleeve now I mean, after restoring Cami’s memory, of course.
Cami actually seemed to be doing a pretty decent job of restoring her own memory, placing Post-Its around her house and secretly recording her pre-compelled conversations with Klaus. Their final scene, when he compelled her to leave town for good, might have been his most heartbreaking yet. Though I still think Cami is being treated too much like the token human, I’m starting to genuinely feel her connection with Klaus. It’s faint, but it’s there. Speaking of the hook ups can get over with Hayley and Elijah balcony seen I know you didn’t that they are finally kissed but it didn’t happen and maybe sooner it will. Elijah is holding off out of respect for the father of Hayley’s unborn child, or the writers are holding off out of necessity for more story lines; either way, I love the romantic tension between them.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
The Originals Its all about the Family and Honor
Did you watch the originals television series is a quiet interesting the Mikaelson family as they back to the empire that they build but a lot of problems are coming in their way as the old friend that they have is now reclaiming his self as the king of the city. Klaus is back in the New Orleans to make his family be back together again but as the usual times a lot of problems comes in the way even with the sibling that he have and a were wolf girl that is carrying her baby Hayley.
In the town of the New Orleans almost everything have change especially to the rules that they have all the vampires are happily living around the city always comes out in the dark every night but the witches is being shut down. Shutting down the witches has the big impact in the city just like controlling the other side of the living witches as the vampires are happily living. Marcel just used a witch named Davina in detecting witches who have using their powers and it is punishable by death.
As Klaus wants to make her family complete as all we know the original family siblings have their own individual traits that makes them didn’t click with each other but despite for the differences that they have they still care for each other for the honor of the family that they have as the fist original family that all of the members of the family are can’t be killed because they are immortal.
The honor and the legacy of the Mikaelson family lives on after it is break into the pieces as Klaus break it but somehow he is trying to put in down together again as his siblings are also back in the New Orleans to take back the empire that they have made long time ago but o more of the things are more complicated now as Hayley is carrying the son of Klaus Marcel is still around growing his army against Klaus and Tyler leave the Mystic falls to take his revenge in Klaus after Klaus kill his mother. Would the Mikaelson family will take the honor and peace of the family that they want find out more just watch the originals every Tuesday night at 9pm only on CW.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
What could be the future of Hayley’s future baby?
Will hybrid baby will gave us peace or the devastation of the living vampire in the New Orleans until to the last vampire standing? Well it is the believe of the witches that Klaus and Hayley upcoming baby will not the for the betterment in the balance of the world as the first baby hybrid and it should be dead while it is in Hayley’s womb but somehow the upcoming baby will have a genuine blood that can Klaus be used in creating more hybrids. Klaus is such so unpredictable in every move that he have in his life what he really up to with his son in the near future of the generations as he handles his problem in the both sides the he have about protecting Hayley and taking down Marcel in his throne in New Orleans.
Revenge is the most painful all the time after that I have watch Tyler Lockwood leaving Caroline alone crying in the mystic falls in the vampire diaries series he finally shows up in the originals in seeking his revenge to Klaus after the hybrid kill her beloved mother that she can’t take about that he couldn’t do something just to save her mother. In seeking his revenge he just take Hayley from the house of Mikaelson after testing the theory that Hayley’s baby can do more hybrids but good timing after Hayley taking herself Elijah found her and Klaus and Tyler meet again and leads to another painful stage in Tyler that Klaus wants him to suffer once more in compelling him again but Tyler turns his back to Marcel talking to Marcel what is in the life of Klaus now and who is Hayley is that she is carrying his hybrid son that will kill all the vampire in the land until the last one. I’m sure it will take this to the attention of Marcel in taking down Klaus but what is really up to with the hybrid child in the near future and how the Mickaelson family keep Hayley safe this is all the questions that be answered in the sooner episodes of the originals series don’t miss every episode of it.
Monday, November 4, 2013
The Originals Season 1 Episode 6 Fruit of the Poisoned Tree Summary Plus Promo
The previous episode of the series tells us all about the withes. Davina’s coven had planned to complete “The Harvest,” a ceremony designed to keep their ancient powers flowing but it required a minor sacrifice. More specifically, “The Harvest” required three worthy young witches to be slain, then eventually revived during the “The Reaping.”
Of course, the witches didn’t count on the interference of Marcel who was totally boning Sophie, by the way. It’s apparently Marcel’s mission to bang every New Orleans resident, with and without a heartbeat, and he’s doing a damn good job of it. Sophie enlisted the help of her boy-toy to stop “The Harvest,” but he was too late to save Sophie’s niece. Instead, all of the girls’ abandoned powers went into Davina, the only girl not slaughtered, which means “The Reaping” can never be completed as long as Davina remains alive.
The episode ended with Sophie vowing to destroy Davina, allowing for Monique’s return which is really not good. There’s no way Sophie stands a chance against Davina, and if she tries to fight her, Hayley and her baby will end up suffering!
This week’s episode also brought the long-awaited reunion of Elijah with the rest of the Mikaelsons. Not that I didn’t enjoy Eli’s little attic chats with Davina, but I was so glad to see the Original family most of them, anyway all under the same roof.
The only interaction that puzzled me was between Elijah and Hayley towards the end of the hour. After exchanging greetings with Klaus and Rebekah , Eli followed Hayley outside, where she proceeded to slap him and say, “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
Am I the only one who half-expected them to kiss?! It’s possible that after all these years, my mind is finally melting into shipper soup, but I swear I saw sparks between them.
I spent the first few episodes of The Originals wondering when I was going to start caring about token-human Cami, then along came last week’s episode and this week’s and suddenly, she’s one of the most interesting characters on the show.
Last week, we learned about Cami’s twin brother who went nanners and killed a bunch of his fellow seminary students, and I’m glad we didn’t have to wait too long to find out why! During one of this week’s many flashbacks, we saw that Agnes put a li’l hex on Cami’s brother, making it seem like he was totally losing his mind.
In the next episode of the originals season 1 episode 6 entitled Fruit of the Poisoned Tre , When Klaus discovers Hayley’s life is being threatened, he goes to extreme lengths to protect her and their unborn baby. Having a difficult time dealing with the tragic events of her past, Camille turns to Father Kieran for guidance. Feeling as though he can trust no one, Marcel visits an old friend to seek out some advice, while Davina takes steps to learn how to control her magic. Finally, Klaus delivers some surprising news to Kieran.
Here is the promo of the upcoming episode this coming November 5, 2013:
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Leah Pipes as Camille

Camille also knows as Cami is a psychology student at Tulane in New Orleans. She is fascinated by the study of Human Behavior.
If "The Originals" gets picked up to series, Cami will be a regular cast member.
Klaus will meet Cami, a psychology student at Tulane in New Orleans. Cami will be unaware of the supernatural, but will be interested in the darker side of New Orleans. She will also be very intrigued by Klaus.
Danielle Campbell as Davina

Davina is a teenage witch, she is 16 years old. Growing up, she's been very sheltered, but that won't last very long with Klaus and Elijah storming into town.
Powers and Abilities
Channeling: The act of channeling or drawing other forms of energy and power by focusing on celestial events. Conjuration: The act of calling, commanding, or summoning an element, object, person, or spirit already in existence. Elemental Control: The act of controlling and manipulating the elements of air, earth, fire, water, and weather. Mind Control: The act of controlling and manipulating the minds of humans. (Similar to Compulsion) Mind Stunning: The act of bemusing and rendering someone unconscious. Pain Infliction: The act of creating and inflicting excruciating pain upon another person, especially vampires. Precognition: The act of foreseeing future events and happenings. Spell Casting: The act of changing and controlling events by magical influence. Telekinesis: The act of controlling and manipulating the movements of objects and persons. Witches Brew: The act of brewing and concocting supernatural elixirs and potions that contain mystical properties.
Charles Michael Davis as Marcel

Marcel is Klaus' former protege and a vampire that he turned back in the day. Marcel has created a whole set of rules and a whole society for the supernatural community which he is in charge of making him resident king of the supernatural community of New Orleans.
Marcel is described as the life of the party. He is diabolical, and dangerous, and he is a rock star. Also is wicked, wild, and charismatic. Marcel uses said charisma as much as his vamp power to get what he wants. If anything, Marcel’s that kind of hard-partying, hard-living vampire who knows how to enjoy the most out of life in the French Quarter.
Powers and Abilities Some of these powers are more potent when the vampire gets older and feeds on human blood. Super Strength: Vampires are much stronger than humans and grow stronger with time. Even new vampires who are still in transition can toss a fully grown human across a room with great speed and force. Their strength is also more powerful then werewolves that are not in wolf form. Super Speed: Vampires can accelerate their movements to cover short distances in an instant, faster than the human eye can see. When running across long distances, they appear as vibrating blurs of motion.
Emotional Control: The supernatural ability to control and manipulate the emotions of one's self. Dream Manipulation - Vampires can control dreams and subconscious. The vampires can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming. Other effects of this ability is the distortion of reality and trapped in the dreams.
Heightened Senses: They can hear whispered conversations, even ones in far off buildings, smell blood, and see in total darkness.
Mind Compulsion: Vampires have the ability to control minds, plague people's dreams, and alter/erase human memories.
Immortality: A vampire stops aging once turned. Upon their transformation, vampires then on become immune to all conventional illness, disease, virus and infection. The only known disease or infection that can kill a vampire is a werewolf bite.
Healing Factor: Vampires can snap their finger bones back into place after being broken and have been seen to fully recover from gunshots, stab wounds, and torso impalement.
Daniella Pineda as Sophie

Sophie is a witch in her late 20s early 30s, whose magic has been compromised -- and she's not happy about it. She's is a force to be reckoned with, and she's sowing the seeds of a supernatural revolution. Sophie lost her magic skills, but she’s got a plan to get them back.
Powers And abilities that Sophie have. All that has been confirmed so far is that Sophie is described as a sexy leader armed with a sharp-tounge and confidence. She is social force; planting the seeds of a revolution amongst her peers in the small French Quarter of New Orleans.
Channeling: The act of channeling or drawing other forms of energy and power by focusing on celestial events. Conjuration: The act of calling, commanding, or summoning an element, object, person, or spirit already in existence. Elemental Control: The act of controlling and manipulating the elements of air, earth, fire, water, and weather. Mind Control: The act of controlling and manipulating the minds of humans. (Similar to Compulsion) Mind Stunning: The act of bemusing and rendering someone unconscious. Pain Infliction: The act of creating and inflicting excruciating pain upon another person, especially vampires. Precognition: The act of foreseeing future events and happenings. Spell Casting: The act of changing and controlling events by magical influence. Telekinesis: The act of controlling and manipulating the movements of objects and persons. Witches Brew: The act of brewing and concocting supernatural elixirs and potions that contain mystical properties.
Phoebe Tonkin as Hayley

Hayley is introduced in The Vampire Diaries Season Four. She is described as gorgeous and wildly sexy, but tough as nails and also very protective. She is a werewolf and she is responsible for helping Tyler break his sire bond.
Hayley is a friend of Tyler's who helped him break his sire bond. She didn't know he was still alive or wealthy, though, and only found out recently that Klaus hadn't killed Tyler. (One of Klaus's hybrids told Hayley he was going to meet up with someone named Tyler) So, she shows up at the Lockwood Mansion. She teams up with Professor Shane,who promised her that he will give her information about her biological parents, if she help other hybrids to break sire bond.
Hayley was adopted so she doesn't know who she got the werewolf gene from. She triggerd her werewolf gene when she was drunk on a boat trip and killed someone. When she transformed the first time she tore apart her living room, resulting in her adoptive parents learning she is a werewolf and throwing her out of the house and then she met other werewolves after that happened.
Claire Holt as Rebekah Mikaelson

Rebekah Mikaelson is a free-spirited Original Vampire. Rebekah was the lover of Stefan Salvatore back in the 1920's, daughter of Mikael and Esther, and also the only sister of Elijah, Finn, Kol, and Henrik, and the only half-sister of Niklaus. After the death of Henrik, she became the youngest in the family. Rebekah has the most impeccable instincts and can tell when people are lying to her or others. This is something Klaus calls "borderline supernatural."
Rebekah is a member of the Mikaelson Family.
Rebekah is the only daughter of Mikael and Esther, who were wealthy land owners from Eastern Europe in the 10th century. She is the sixth of seven siblings, which includes Elijah, Finn, Niklaus, Kol, and Henrik and a unknown older brother who is presumed dead. Not much is known about Rebekah's early life, other than that she was born in the New World, where they lived in peace among the Werewolves for twenty years. However, during a full moon, when the wolves were transforming, Klaus and Henrik snuck out to watch the villagers transform from men to beast. As the sun began to rise, Rebekah saw Klaus carrying Henrik's lifeless body back into the village. He stated that one of the wolves had mauled Henrik to death.
Not wanting to lose another child, their mother Esther cast a spell (Vampiric Transformation Ritual), calling upon the Sun for life and the White Oak Tree for immortality. However, the spell lead to some untimely acts. Unbeknownst to Rebekah and her siblings, they drank wine laced with the blood of Tatia for dinner, and afterwards, Mikael drove his sword through their hearts. After their awakening, Mikael forced his children to feed on a local villager therefore completing their transition into vampires.
"Together as one, always and forever" Later, they began to realize their new gift had its weaknesses. The flowers that grew at the base of the White Oak Tree, vervain, burned them and prevented compulsion. The sun burned their skin, making it impossible to walk in the day light for them. They were unable to enter the homes of their neighbors without an invitation. Also their thirst was insatiable. Realizing that a wood carved from the White Oak Tree would be fatal to them, they burned the tree to the ground. After their mother's death, Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah swore to each other that they would never turn on each other and stick together as one, always and forever.
Daniel Gillies as Elijah Mikaelson

Elijah Mikaelson is an Original Vampire, and the second son of Mikael and Esther. He has six siblings, a deceased unnamed older brother, three younger brothers (Finn, Kol, Henrik), and a younger sister named Rebekah. He also has a half-brother named Niklaus. After Mikael's death, Elijah is the oldest Original alive.
Elijah is a member of the Mikaelson Family.
Elijah is one of five sons of Mikael and Esther, who were wealthy land owners from Eastern Europe in the 10th century. He is the second of seven siblings, which includes Rebekah, Finn, Niklaus, Kol, and Henrik and a unknown older brother who is presumed dead. During Elijah's early life, He and Klaus both fell in love with a woman named Tatia, although she had a child by another man, both brothers argued and fought over her but then they realized family was more important then her. They lived among werewolves for about twenty years, and at first they could handle each other and keep out of major fights.
He enjoyed sparring with Klaus, much to the disapproval of his father, who didn't like the fact he was sparring with his step-son Niklaus whom Mikael viewed as reckless. One morning after a full moon, Niklaus comes out of the woods holding his dead little brother Henrik. Elijah comes running from the woods to Niklaus and Rebekah and sees that Henrik is dead. Not wanting to lose another child, their mother Esther cast a spell (Vampiric Transformation Ritual), calling upon the Sun for life and the White Oak Tree for immortality. However, the spell lead to some untimely acts. Unbeknownst to Elijah and his siblings, they drank wine laced with the blood of Tatia for dinner, and afterwards, Mikael drove his sword through their hearts. After their awakening, Mikael forced his children to feed on a local villager therefore completing their transition into vampires.
Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah Later, they began to realize their new gift had its weaknesses. The flowers that grew at the base of the White Oak Tree, vervain, burned them and prevented compulsion. The sun burned their skin, making it impossible to walk in the day light for them. They were unable to enter the homes of their neighbors without an invitation. Also their thirst was insatiable. Realizing that a wood carved from the White Oak Tree would be fatal to them, they burned the tree to the ground. The ash from the tree was saved and could be used with a silver dagger to neutralize all of the Originals except for Niklaus because he was also a werewolf, so he is known as a hybrid. Shortly after becoming a vampire, his mother was killed by "Mikael". After burying his mother Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah promised that they will never turn their backs on each other and that they will always stick together as one, always and forever.
Joseph Morgan as Niklaus Mikaelson

Klaus was born to Esther and an unknown man, in a small village that would eventually become known as Mystic Falls. Klaus has six half-siblings and a step-father named Mikael, a wealthy landowner who moved with his wife Esther to the New World after their home village was devastated by a plague. Klaus was close to his family with the exception of Mikael, who was inordinately hard on Klaus.
Many years before, his mother had had an affair with a man from the neighboring village, whose inhabitants were known to be werewolves. When Klaus' brother Henrik was killed by a werewolf, Esther performed a ritual which transformed Klaus, his siblings and his step-father into. Esther and Niklaus looks at Henrik's bodyvampires. When Klaus made his first human kill, his werewolf gene was activated, thus revealing Esther's infidelity. Mikael then hunted down and killed Klaus' father and his entire family, not realizing that doing so would ignite a war between vampires and werewolves that has been perpetuated across the ages. Soon after turning her children into vampires, Esther placed a curse on Klaus which forced his werewolf side to lie dormant, and then rejected and abandoned him. In retaliation, Klaus murdered his mother, and framed Mikael for the act.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Welcome to My Blog
Hey fellow The Vampire Diaries Fans and sooner the avid The Originals fans also. This blog is all about for the upcoming television series entitled "The originals" actually it is a spin off from the well known television series The Vampire Diaries. It is named the originals it is because they will portray how the original family live their life before it is just sort of the portraying of the past in how they become vampire, witch and werewolf.
It is the unlocking of different kinds of secrets from the past and how they are affecting it today excising vampires in the Mystic falls. For the meantime thank you for dropping by i hope that you will back soon after making some update in my blog. Have a great day ahead.
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