Marcel is Klaus' former protege and a vampire that he turned back in the day. Marcel has created a whole set of rules and a whole society for the supernatural community which he is in charge of making him resident king of the supernatural community of New Orleans.
Marcel is described as the life of the party. He is diabolical, and dangerous, and he is a rock star. Also is wicked, wild, and charismatic. Marcel uses said charisma as much as his vamp power to get what he wants. If anything, Marcel’s that kind of hard-partying, hard-living vampire who knows how to enjoy the most out of life in the French Quarter.
Powers and Abilities Some of these powers are more potent when the vampire gets older and feeds on human blood. Super Strength: Vampires are much stronger than humans and grow stronger with time. Even new vampires who are still in transition can toss a fully grown human across a room with great speed and force. Their strength is also more powerful then werewolves that are not in wolf form. Super Speed: Vampires can accelerate their movements to cover short distances in an instant, faster than the human eye can see. When running across long distances, they appear as vibrating blurs of motion.
Emotional Control: The supernatural ability to control and manipulate the emotions of one's self. Dream Manipulation - Vampires can control dreams and subconscious. The vampires can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming. Other effects of this ability is the distortion of reality and trapped in the dreams.
Heightened Senses: They can hear whispered conversations, even ones in far off buildings, smell blood, and see in total darkness.
Mind Compulsion: Vampires have the ability to control minds, plague people's dreams, and alter/erase human memories.
Immortality: A vampire stops aging once turned. Upon their transformation, vampires then on become immune to all conventional illness, disease, virus and infection. The only known disease or infection that can kill a vampire is a werewolf bite.
Healing Factor: Vampires can snap their finger bones back into place after being broken and have been seen to fully recover from gunshots, stab wounds, and torso impalement.
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